Do you ever wonder when it’s best to replace your toothbrush? If so, our dentist, Dr. Peter Karsant, is more than happy to help you. Replacing your toothbrush is very important because using a brush with worn-down and infected bristles won’t help your smile as much as you hope it would. The best times to replace your toothbrush are when:... read more »
Dentures are just those clattery pearly whites things from TV, right? Actually, dentures are dental tools designed to take the place of chompers in those without chompers, and they do a lot more than clatter around. Read on to find out how false teeth support their wearers and how prevalent they really are. False teeth are oral appliances intended to... read more »
Do you know how to properly take care of your toothbrush? Many people don’t fully consider everything they need to in order to properly buy, store, and protect their most-used dental hygiene tool. Here are some things to think about. You should buy a new toothbrush every 3-4 months. Replace your brush earlier if it becomes contaminated in any way.... read more »
Healthy gums are the foundation of a good smile. The need for preventing gum disease goes beyond making sure your teeth have a good home. Yes, gum disease can cause lost teeth, bad breath and damage to your jaw. However, problems with your gums can cause other health issue. Breathing in the bacteria present in gum disease could lead to... read more »
If you've ever experienced bad breath, you're well aware of the social anxieties and stresses it can bring into your life. Halitosis, also known as bad breath, can affect your social life, your work life, and your daily relationship with your peers, coworkers, as well as family members. However bad breath is treatable if you know what its root causes... read more »
Autumn is coming, and that means lots of really tasty food. With so much to enjoy, it’s easy to put your mouth health on the back burner. But the great thing is, you don’t have to sacrifice mouth health to eat delicious food! Here are a couple great ways to enjoy your bounty while keeping your teeth in tip-top shape.... read more »
Your natural teeth had a direct connection and relationship with the underlying bone structure in your mouth. As you would bite, chew, and grind food the pressure and impact stimulated the underlying bone tissues to help keep them strong. As your teeth were lost or extracted the underlying bone can start to weaken and deplete. This is even more likely... read more »
Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an infection affecting the gums and connective tissues. If plaque and tartar (films of bacteria) stay on the teeth for too much time, the bacteria in them move to and along the gums, causing serious inflammation and even loss of teeth. Gum disease comes in two severities: gingivitis and periodontitis. If you... read more »
If you want to improve your oral health, consider the benefits that improving your flossing technique can offer. Be sure to always floss your teeth every day to prevent food particles and bacteria from thriving in the tough-to-reach areas between your teeth. Ideally, you should floss at least 2-3 minutes. When flossing, be sure to use a piece of floss... read more »
A temporomandibular joint, also known as a TMJ, is a complex ball and socket joint within your jaw. Thanks to the TMJs on each side of your jaws, you can speak competently, open and close your mouth, and chew your food. However, due to the complex nature of the joints, they can be harmed rather easily, leading to TMJ disorders.... read more »