If you want to improve your oral health, consider the benefits that improving your flossing technique can offer. Be sure to always floss your teeth every day to prevent food particles and bacteria from thriving in the tough-to-reach areas between your teeth. Ideally, you should floss at least 2-3 minutes.
When flossing, be sure to use a piece of floss that is roughly 18 inches long. Wrap each end of the strand around a finger on each hand to make flossing easier, and to allow yourself a fresh section of floss for each tooth. When flossing, always use a different portion of the thread between each tooth.
If your floss shreds when you use it, switch to a stronger product. Single filament thread is shred-resistant. If you are older, or lack the muscle strength or bone fitness to correctly floss every day, try switching to an alternative product such as a water flosser. Water flossers are interdental cleaners that easily and effectively clean your mouth by shooting jets of water to wash harmful debris away.
If you suffer from poor oral hygiene, contact Karsant Dentistry at 415-333-3919 to see which treatment is right for you. To schedule an examination with Dr. Peter Karsant and our team at our office in San Francisco, California, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Let us help you get a whiter, brighter smile today!