Do you ever wonder when it’s best to replace your toothbrush? If so, our dentist, Dr. Peter Karsant, is more than happy to help you. Replacing your toothbrush is very important because using a brush with worn-down and infected bristles won’t help your smile as much as you hope it would. The best times to replace your toothbrush are when:
-You have been using your brush for 3-4 months
-Your toothbrush bristles are worn down or frayed
-You have been sick or not feeling well
It’s important to remember that if you have an electric toothbrush, you don’t need to replace the entire tool. You will only need to replace the toothbrush head when recommended. If you’re concerned about toothbrush germs, you can always sanitize your smile-cleaning tool by soaking it in antibacterial mouthwash or using a handy toothbrush sanitizer. However, the American Dental Association says sanitizing the toothbrush is unnecessary because the toothbrush germs do not affect your oral or overall health in any way.
To learn more about when to replace your toothbrush in San Francisco, California, please contact Karsant Dentistry today at 415-333-3919. Our dental team is here to give you the answers and information you need, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!